2014 Data Summit and Expo


The New Jersey Technology Council will be hosting it’s Data Summit and Expo at JuiceTank – this event is about bringing together data center infrastructure and operations managers, IT professionals and business continuity professionals. Senior business and technology leaders are also strongly encouraged to attend. The goal of this event will be to discuss business intelligence and analytics systems and solutions.

How To Attend

Please head over to the NJTC registration page to see if seats are still available – they are moving quickly!

The Data Summit and Expo 2014 Agenda

1:00 pm: Registration, Networking – Exhibits open

1:30 pm: Welcome & Opening Remarks 

1:35 pm: Keynote Speaker – “Next-Generation Colocation: The Impact of Cloud and Big Data”

2:15 pm: Panel 1: Data Center, Co-location, Hosted Solutions – What’s Best for my Business?

3:00 pm: Break 

3:15 pm: Panel 2: Using Predictive Analytics to Capitalize on Customer Insights 

4:00 pm: Panel 3: Big Data’s impact on AdTech, EdTech, FinTech and Supply Chain

4:45 pm: Networking reception