Co-Founder Date Night – The Place to Find a Partner for Your Company

This event is for startup founders who are looking for a developer co-founder or a developer looking for an interesting company. Or if you simply need a cofounder to help in other areas, they may be in the audience too. To help make this event a success we are working with several other meetups including our friends over at Madison Tech.

The format will start with 3 minute overviews by developers. This is a great opportunity to brag a little and make members aware of your experiences & interest. Following the developers will be 3 minute pitches by founders who are looking for a CTO or equity developer. This is a founders big opportunity to meet their future cofounder for the next project.

Alternatively, if you know someone starting a business, please share the event so that they too can benefit.

This event is happening at 7pm on January 16 right here at JuiceTank. Admission is $5, which includes food and refreshments. You may register for this event through either our NJETS meetup page or through Madison Tech. We look forward to facilitating the first steps for your successful ventures this January 16th.