Lunch & Learn – Designing the Differentiated Customer Experience

This lunch and learn, lead by Craig Sowell (CMO of Datapipe) will be about creating a customer experience that can engage no matter which vertical you are working with.

Craig has 15 years of previous experience working at IBM, and will go through their process of engaging with customers. In his current role as CMO of Datapipe, he’ll go through the actionable processes that he uses to make customers feel engaged rather than just a number.

Customer Journey Mapping

Craig will be going over this technique, with is a way to document, design, and execute on a unique and differentiated customer experience based on the needs, wants, and emotions of clients.


Coworking / Networking – All Day!

Lunch & Learn – 12:30 – 1:30

Office Hours – 11:00 – 4:30