July 18th: Assembling Sensor Networks

Speaker Brian Langel, founder of Dash Labs in NYC , will discuss how to hook up sensors to your mobile phone for better analysis.

As he builds the self driving vehicle,  meetup organizer Praful Mathur wants to equip his car with the right type of sensors to collect appropriate data. All the data will be sent and stored online to interact in a virtual environment to test AI. They want to get the car equipped by July 15 and there’s a few very key people that are good with cars that are willing to help out.

After July 15, a few friends and Praful are going to be driving to SF, LA, Las Vegas, Miami, NYC, and Seattle which be over 10,000 miles driven. It will help them achieve their 20,000 miles driven data collected by Spring 2014.

This meetup will be discussing what types of sensors are being purchased, how to find sponsors to pay for the sensors, and assembling the right kit so anyone can put it on their car to provide more data.


  • 7:00pm – Hang-out, drinks, and food.
  • 7:45pm – Start of Meeting
  • 8:00pm – Brian Langel – How to capture data from the car such as OBD-II and what other sensors will provide us the greatest value
  • 8:15pm – Speaker TBD
  • 8:30pm – Next Steps
  • 9:00pm – Getting everyone setup.