Big Ideas: How Karma CEO Steven van Wel is changing how we access the Internet

Who would’ve known that a little device could change the way we use the Internet…


When thinking about the future of wireless, we’re sure you hate the thought of paying higher data costs with your ISP. Luckily, some innovate startups are here to rescue you from this with their own affordable and revolutionary way for you to access the Internet.

We’ll be featuring one such company at JuiceTank on March 17 called Karma.

During this presentation, Karma CEO Steven van Wel will be taking us through what the future of wireless Internet will look like.

Some of the topics that we be discussed during this meetup

– Steven’s story of how Karma began

– How Karma was able to grow as quickly as it did – 80 cities in 12 months!

– How mobile data ownership will be changing : why and how startups are changing the way you consume data across devices

– How affordable broadband plans are changing the ISP game

– Internet access for all, and literally everywhere :how this is not only possible, but how soon it can happen.



6:45 – 7:15 : Drinks, food, and networking

7:15 – 7:30 : General announcements

7:30 – 8:15 : Keynote presentation – Steven van Wel

8:15 – 8:25 : Closing remarks

8:25 – ? : Continue networking!