NetElixir to Make SEO Simple at Startup Weekend

Once a company has demonstrated a proof of concept, and even has a minimum viable product (MVP), it is critical that a great website demonstrates these milestones to consumers. Great SEO is critical for any website, especially for a company that is starting out in a competitive industry.

The companies that launch at Startup Weekend New Jersey will benefit from one of the tools that our supporter NetElixir provides. Their tool, LXRSEO, is an SEO task manager for small businesses.

For companies that understand the benefits of SEO but not the necessarily on how to execute best practices, this is where LXRSEO comes. Its features allow you to grade your website, plan and perform tasks to boost your SEO results, and measure and compare keyword performance. Thank you, NetElixir and LXRSEO for supporting Startup Weekend!

To Learn More About LXRSEO

LXRSEO offers a 15 day Free Trial for anyone that wants to test out its resources, so check it out to see if you like it!

Still Haven’t Registered for Startup Weekend New Jersey?

Whether you are looking to compete, volunteer, or observe the teams that competed during Demo Day (Sunday March 30), there are several great ways to get involved. Register on the Startup Weekend New Jersey site and don’t forget that it is happening from March 28-30!