Friday Funday With Mobile Apps – Free Coworking/Office Hours w/ Nick Landry (Microsoft)


We are going to be having a free coworking day, which will give you the opportunity to meet with Nick Landry, Senior Technical Evangelist of Microsoft.

Expect it to be a great day of free coworking where you can really get some stuff done, and also have fun while doing it.

If you are working on a mobile app, this is a perfect day for you. But what the typical topics that Nick will cover with you

  • Pre-vetting so you know if your startup qualifies for BizSpark.
  • Technical guidance for mobile developers on Windows & Windows Phone, or using Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Cordova/PhoneGap
  • Technical guidance for cross-platform developers on Windows, iOS or Android looking to leverage Microsoft Azure within their app or games
  • Promotional guidance for mobile developers looking to drive more downloads, market and monetize their app or game.
  • User testing of your latest app or game with Microsoft and other attendees
  • On-Site device testing of your latest app or game on various Windows devices, such as Lumia phones or Surface tablets.Make sure to post a comment specifying which devices(s) you’d like to test on. Not all devices will be available every time
  • Functional feedback on how to improve the overall functionality of your app or game
  • User experience (UX) and usability feedback on how to improve the overall aesthetics and workflow of your app or game
  • Who is Friday Fun Day, Free Coworking, and Office Hours For?

Who is Friday Fun Day, Free Coworking, and Office Hours With Nick Landry For?

In short, free coworking is for everyone. So is fun, obviously. As for office hours, if you are looking to find a project before publishing, trying to get more downloads for your app, or want to discuss any questions that you have with top talent from Microsoft, than Nick is the guy you want to talk to.