NJ Accelerator TechLaunch To Give Prize To Startup Weekend Winner

Startup Weekend Winner Will Be Awarded As Semi-Finalist in LaunchPad 3 Program

TechLaunch, New Jersey’s Technology Accelerator, will be granting the winner of Startup Weekend New Jersey Semi-Finalist status in their LaunchPad 3 program. This 16-week accelerator program awards startup companies up to $25,000 in seed capital, and offers a comprehensive bootcamp for building the essentials of a successful company.

Graduates of TechLaunch are exposed to many key investors and are given the opportunity to present their accelerated startup during Demo Day.

TechLaunch Alumni Spotlights


The Inbox app provides smarter messaging experience that manages your text messages like email.


Caktus’ app called The Hug helps people perform better and live healthier by coaching them towards optimal hydration. The Hug offers a smart sensor for your water bottle along with a companion mobile application.


The Invidio app lets viewers purchase the products they see on-screen in their favorite TV shows, movies, and music videos.

The CEO of TechLaunch Will Be a Judge

Mario Casabona

Still Not Registered For Startup Weekend New Jersey?

Whether you are looking to compete, volunteer, or observe the teams that competed during Demo Day (Sunday March 30), there are several great ways to get involved. Register on the Startup Weekend New Jersey site and don’t forget that it is happening from March 28-30!