Trivia Night with Fresh Jersey (By Aardvark Brigade)


Join the Aardvark Brigade team for a fun night of trivia, drinks and networking

Aardvark Brigade (in case you don’t them, check out their badass design portfolio here) will be putting together a full-scale trivia night for developers and designers. There are also prizes involved (although we’ve vowed to keep them secret until the night of, they are going to be awesome). If you are a designer or a developer, this is one of the best meetups to meet with like-minded talent. It’s also going to be a great night to show off your mad skills. If you don’t show up we’ll assume that you admit defeat.

When and Where?

It’s going to be December 4th at the Aardvark Brigade HQ, which resides in JuiceTank.

How Do I RSVP?

The official event signup is on the Fresh Jersey meetup page.

The Cost?

Free, because Aardvark Brigade loves you. Just come armed with knowledge.