Made in JuiceTank – Kevin Hawkins’ Watson Powered App Released

usmeuThere’s always a time where one of our Community Members does something cool. Check out what programmer Kevin Hawkins has just released on the iTunes app store**

**To Android-lovers, Kevin is working hard on this version as we speak


So question – are you compatible with Bill Gates? Are Kim and Kanye really compatible? What about you and your lover?usmeumain

UsMeU uses IBM’s Watson (the Jeopardy winning supercomputer trained to use linguistic analytics) to extract cognitive and social characteristics from Twitter tweet or open text.

You can search for a Twitter user and analyze them, compare them to other Twitter users, type or paste text to analyze. Then share the results on Twitter, Facebook or email.

This is how it works – you search for a Twitter user through the app, and analyze it with the 57 available personality traits. You can look at any Twitter profile you want and analyze it, including your own. Of course you can also share these results to the entire Twitter-sphere, Facebook, and email.

It’s a lot of fun and I’ve been using my test copy a lot…maybe even a little too much. Here are a couple of the results that I’ve gotten:

iOS Simulator Screen Shot Feb 19,  2015, 6.28.27 PMiOS Simulator Screen Shot Feb 19,  2015, 6.32.45 PM


You check out and download the app on the iTunes app store. If you would like to help promote the app, let me know and I can hook you up with a copy for the press.


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