Welcome to the Tank – Here’s what we’re about in a nutshell

JuiceTank is New Jersey’s largest coworking space and startup incubator based in Somerset, NJ. As a startup incubator, we are focused on investments within the technology, digital health, and consumer products industries.

It is our goal to build one of New Jersey’s largest entrepreneurial hubs in the state where businesses build together in a collaborative and supportive environment. Anyone who wants to become a member of the JuiceTank ecosystem can do so for a low monthly rate – joining the Tank starts at just $250/month.

Who Started JuiceTank?

JuiceTank was originally founded and established by Mukesh Patel (CEO) and Charlie Patel (COO & CTO).

Mukesh is a serial entrepreneur, a founding principal of a private equity firm, attorney, business advisor, angel investor, and mentor.

Charlie is also a serial entrepreneur. After spending 10 years working alongside C-level and senior executives at large companies such as GE, Accenture, Freddie Mac, JPMorgan, and Fannie Mae, Charlie branched off to run his own project management consulting firm. During that time, he also launched several internet-based companies and became a WordPress guru, and traveled to over 70 countries. He continues to run several businesses while serving as an active advisor and strategic cofounder to dozens of startups.

So where are we today after a year?

So JuiceTank has been around for just about a year and a half now. So what have we accomplished? Well, for starters we’ve built a great community of startups to work out of our space. Over the last year, we’ve seen over 70 companies work in our halls. And we are looking to grow. We have reviewed around 500 startup pitches since first starting out. And through that experience we have learned a lot and so have our incubated companies.

While it is our goal to eventually get you funded, that does not mean that you should shy away from the JuiceTank community if your company isn’t ready. We have 22,000 square feet of space if you’re looking for a place to set up shop. If you are looking to become more polished, we also help you with that through consulting, our mentor network, as well as our advisory network. We have the resources an the experience to help accelerate your company to the next level.

This sounds like a pretty great place. How do I get involved?

A great way to get involved in the JuiceTank scene is through our meetup, New Jersey Entrepreneurs and Tech Startups. Membership for this group is now over 1,400 members, all entrepreneurs that are engaged with the New Jersey scene. Another way to schedule a meeting with us, and we figure out together what the best way to get you involved would be.

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